POLITICAL ARENA is a one-of-a-kind strategy/sim about American power. Seek fame or infamy in a fully simulated political world, complete with high stakes campaign strategizing, backroom deals, scandals, special interests, and the press. Be the politician of your dreams (or nightmares).

Run a top-notch campaign by leveraging Political Arena’s real world data. Learn what issues drive your constituents to the ballot box, scrutinize the latest polls, and analyze the unique demographics of every congressional district.

Master the art of negotiation and become a Washington power broker. Navigate D.C.’s maze of special interests by analyzing the strengths, weaknesses and ambitions of your friends and enemies … even hold unfavorable information as leverage to gain concessions. Single out powerful allies — the legislative leaders, the rising stars, the kingmakers — and do everything you can to get on their good side.

Play the news cycle and try not to let it play you. Strategically time your actions to generate the most (or least) attention from the press. Announce your campaign, introduce legislation, and time campaign events when the media is least distracted — or publicize compromising information when the public has its eyes elsewhere. Friday is a great time to announce that pesky IRS investigation into your spouse’s finances.


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Frequently Asked Questions about Political Arena

Phasellus volutpat tempor lectus. Nulla leo dui, tristique sit amet ex fringilla, sodales sodales odio. Suspendisse potenti. Donec eget dignissim risus, a dapibus tellus. Sed non luctus eros. Donec id lacinia libero. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Maecenas rhoncus metus placerat justo facilisis auctor. Donec semper dignissim lectus, eu facilisis quam eleifend et.

Aenean vitae placerat quam, nec molestie ante. Sed at tortor mollis, volutpat est sit amet, faucibus libero. In feugiat pharetra risus et scelerisque. Pellentesque eu porta sapien. Morbi lorem lacus, vestibulum quis pretium nec, varius ac purus.


Updates about the Game of Politics

March 2024 Update!

By 15 Mar 2024
First things first: we’re now on Bluesky! Come say hi!  As ever, we’re short on…

New Year’s Update!

By 23 Jan 2024
Happy 2024, everyone! We just released our second beta update and are heartened by our…

Political Arena Beta Testing Has Begun!

By 23 Aug 2023
First, an apology. We’ve been lousy about our updates. We’re a small team and our…


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Political Arena in the news

You Can Be Mitch McConnell for a Day

By 9 Feb 2022
A new video game will let players pretend to be the politicians they most admire…

Playing the game: Political Arena offers a taste of life on Capitol Hill

By 5 Nov 2021
In a video game market saturated by zombies, death matches and post-apocalyptic hell-scapes, it would be a…

This DC insider wants to turn politics into a videogame — ‘Imagine an arch-conservative in San Francisco, or Nancy Pelosi in Mississippi’

By 4 Nov 2021
Author of ‘The Beltway Bible’ is raising funds to develop a political version of ‘SimCity,’…


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